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MIN Series High-Purity Nitrogen Generators
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MIN Series High-Purity Nitrogen Generators
Sciway’s unique composite molecular sieve
99.9999% purity

PSA Nitrogen Production Technology

High Safety

Low Nitrogen Dew Point

Heavy-Duty Caster

Manpower Saving

Product Details Specifications

Sciway MIN-HN Series
High-Purity Nitrogen Generators

PSA Nitrogen Production Technology
Sciway's exclusive molecular sieve effectively removes impurities such as oxygen, water, and hydrocarbons in the air to produce nitrogen with a purity of 99.999%, which is the same as that of
cylinder gas.

High Safety
Different from high-temperature heating to remove hydrocarbons, avoid hidden dangers in the laboratory.

Low Nitrogen Dew Point
Nitrogen dew point is -90.4°F.

Heavy-Duty Caster
Light and smooth movement.

Manpower Saving
After installation, the instrument can be supplied
with gas without complicated operations.

Customized System
Sciway provides exclusive customized centralized
gas supply system.

Low Noise
Quiet and no noise.

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